Tuesday, November 25, 2008

IV. Classroom Rendezvous

I doubt I'll ever see him again. Three weeks had passed, I had regained my new ID, went back to my old ways and most of all, my ankle had healed. Every day when I ride the train, I try and look for a blond guy with the warmest gray eyes of all. I have seen hundreds of yellow headed people, but no one matched his eyes. I couldn't compare his striking eyes to anybody but I really shouldn't be thinking about him or his eyes now. I just know I wouldn't see him anymore. I'm still paranoid about trains but I'm careful now, I had learned to squeeze in myself inside stuffy trains so I won't be hurt again. Anyway, I rarely ride in rush hour now.

As soon as I arrived in front of the large metal gates of my university, I heard someone call behind me.


"Oh hi there Shay." I said in a low tone, I bet she hadn't heard me. We've been friends for 2 months now and I think she knows me better than I know myself. She's really nosy and meddlesome, good thing it's not in an annoying way.

"What's with the super unenergetic tone?" She said catching up with me.

"You already answered your own question." I said smiling a little.

"Oh yeah, unenergetic. Is there such a word as that?" She put her arms in my shoulders and winked.

"You just invented it, I bet it'll be put in the dictionary anytime soon." I said in a sarcastic tone.

"So, how was your weekend? Still thinking about the train guy who stole a kiss from you?" She laughed and rubbed my undone hair.

"No. I'm not thinking about him anymore." I said as I chewed hard on my mint gum, covered my mouth and smelled my own breath.

"Creep. Why do you always do that?"

"Do what?"

"Smelling your minty mouth? And when did you learn to chew gums? I thought you hated the sugar content?" She said while she dragged my arm, we're obviously late for class.

"This one's sugar free."

We entered our classroom in surprise because it's all in shambles. Trash littered around and our classmates sat on their desks chatting noisily.

"I wonder where Ms. Smith is. She has never ever been so late in all her life." Shay said as she threw her bag on her desk while I did the same.

Just then the guidance counselor walked inside, unfortunately ducking from a crumpled piece of paper that should've hit his head. My classmates now scooted like ants and sat on their chairs.
Mr. Cruz looked as pissed as ever, well, he actually looks the same every single day. I always thought that with every smirk he made, one hair falls off from his soon to be bald head.

He smirked, a hair fell, then he said in his loud screeching voice, "Ms. Smith is taking her leave for three months. The next time she'll be back in this class is next semester."

My classmates cheered and exchanged high fives. I bet you already know what kind of teacher Ms. Smith is, no need to elaborate on her further.

"Silence!" It's too late to cover my ears, I really hate that high pitched voice, I thought my ear drums had exploded. We all silenced up, then he continued, "We had hired a temporary teacher to replace Ms. Smith."

I wish I had dropped Algebra, I know that they'll replace her with another woman who's much more bigger and one equipped with a wider mouth who speaks of tangents and cosines and..

"Mr. Acosta, please come inside now."

..and she'll give me extremely low grades just like before even though I know I had been studying really well and passed my exams and..

A tall guy walked in our classroom carrying a black leather sling bag wrapped around his shoulders. He's wearing a smile over his clear well chiseled face, and I bet he's just three years older than us. You wouldn't think that he's a teacher on the way he looks. He's wearing a white striped polo shirt, blue tattered levi's and clean white sneakers.

I think I would have a sudden heart attack when he and I locked eyes. His eyes twinkled in an instant when he had met mine and I saw a smile form in the corner of his mouth. I thought I would never see that warm, pretty gray eyes again, but then I'm wrong as always.